Being Open. . .

Being-vulnerable-doesnt-have-to-be-threatening-quotesThroughout life, I have wanted this, wanted that, and always had such a tight grip because I wanted my life to be arranged just so. I had many desires and expectations regarding my life and my plan for it. But what I’ve come to realize that the journey is not arranging my life just so, but to continually seeking and being open to find the journey of your soul. Consciously we could become discomforted by the idea of throwing caution to the wind and being open, but if we can see beyond the surface, we can begin to experience with the heart of our souls. We will feel completely empowered by the depth we find. It is here we will learn about power, love, faith, hope, letting go, embracing new, and courage. Opening up is not something that we do a few times in life, but rather, it has to be our way of life. Life is always going to throw us curve balls and make us want to close off, and put up a wall. When we make a commitment to ourselves to be open, no matter what life “does to us,” we are choosing how we want to live. It may be risky to love, to feel, to believe and be open, because at one point in your life you were burned or betrayed. But that insecurity only comes from not trusting and cherishing your own heart. Open your heart and believe. Learn to see life with the heart of your soul and experience your truths and let your soul lead on this beautiful journey of life.