Judgement. . .

As I sat in the pew of the overly packed church this afternoon, awaiting my ashes, I began to think about Lent and the weeks ahead. Thinking of being washed of my sins of the past, as she placed the ashes on my forehead, and as I took my first step away from her, thinking of how to embark on a better future with fewer mistakes. I thought of what I wanted to “give up” for Lent, and through the years it has always been the same, “don’t bite my nails.” But as I wiped the dust ashes from my eyes, I thought about the idea of judgement. Just yesterday, minding my own business, just enjoying the day, someone randomly decided to impose their opinion on my life, asking where my drive was? As I stared blankly back at them, I felt no response was necessary. I knew within myself, that I had more drive and strength then anyone could  or would ever need to see. For me, that’s enough. I began to think of the judgments I may at times impose on others, and thought that this Lent I will try my hardest just to be more understanding, and less judging. Because who am I really to judge another? I don’t know what they deal with on a daily basis, or what weight is on their shoulders. I only know what I carry, and to be an added burden to someone, just seems so unfair. So this Ash Wednesday I commit to hopefully being judgement free, and instead of being a burden, I hope to lighten your weight, even just a little. Everyone deserves to smile, and everyone deserves to do things in their own time, without judgement. Everyone deserves the opportunity to finding a better self.3f53528d6443507fa7415c8ec47d04d4

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