Let’s get REAL!!!!

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Hope everyone had a FABULOUS cinco de mayo! On to business, let’s get REAL! I’ve decided to go on a rant about Facebook! I have been deactivated from Facebook for over two years, and it has been GREAT! How did I come to this rant you may ask? Well I pulled myself out of bed this morning and made it to the gym! While on the treadmill listening to Pieces of Me by Janice Joplin, (I mean really, who listens to Janice Joplin on treadmill)… Helloooo, me!!! Any who, this woman next me was looking at obnoxious pictures , I guess of a friend of hers. This reminded me of why I dislike Facebook. My feeds use to be full of people posting pictures every single moment of their lives!! I take A LOT of pictures, but for me its to see progress, and I don’t post them anywhere! How can you enjoy the moments and be “happy” in them, If you are immediately posting on Facebook?!?! (Insert Cher from Clueless saying “As If!!!!”) But enough about my rant… I’m here to share that I went to the gym two days in a row!!! Its been almost three months since my return, and I’m feeling enthusiastic!!! So much so, I documented the moment for you guys!!! Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!!! And let’s get REAL!!!


Good things..


With my 27th birthday approaching tomorrow, I thought about this idea of good things in life. How sometimes we get distracted by other peoples accomplishments, and then melt away in our struggle to accomplish things. But really, good things take time. Amazing people don’t just happen, it takes hard work, and devotion. You don’t just become fabulously fit, and in love with yourself over night. You need to apply the right mind set to it, and work, work, work! If you don’t invest all your time and energy in the positives, how do you expect good things to come to you? Everyone wants to better themselves, not just physically, but emotionally, financially, spirituality too. Life is not about what you are given, it’s really about what you decide to create. Sometimes things don’t end up how we imagined, and that’s okay, because that only means that something better is on it’s way! Good things take time, so be patient and enjoy the little things in between! The sun is shining, and it’s 58 degrees in New York today! I can’t help but find myself beaming in anticipation of summer!



Day Nine!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I have been MIA for two days due to weather conditions, as well as health conditions. My exercise regimen has been running from doctor to doctor! But I hope that you have stayed strong, and worked out for both of us! On this day, I think if it’s the only day you do so, treat yourself to something. Spend this day, loving yourself, because no one will love you, quite like you could love yourself. Sometimes it takes being so down in the dumps, to realize just how strong you are. When you are on the floor and can’t get up, you look around and all you find is yourself. You are frustrated and sad, but somehow those pains turn into strength and you begin picking yourself up. You begin to see qualities in yourself you hadn’t seen before, and you find yourself sort of beautiful and strong, even in a weak moment. It is moments like these we have to bring with us in times of adversity. We have to remember we have been at the bottom before, and the only way to go is up! So today, remember all your strong moments, and love yourself for them. Spend this Valentine’s Day appreciating the only person in the world that needs it most, and that’s you!

Sending my xoxo’s to you! 


Day Nine

Forgiveness to each person in this world is seen and experienced differently. For some it can be an anchor, which grounds you to this earth. To others, a double edged sword, piercing upon entry and exit. But for me, it varies per situation. I wonder often, when I sincerely seeked forgiveness, why was I easily granted it. Although, the damage I did, did not even warrant a response, I was granted one and more. An apology I worked on for at least two years came out as basic and questionable as a generated message on a Hallmark card. A double edge sword, because he forgave me, and even reminded me of my worth, but at the same time said he could not bare to keep a connection. The connection was an impossibility because of all the hurt he had felt. I understood his feelings, and when he said not a day went by since then, that he hadn’t thought about me every single waking moment, him forgiving me made me feel so much worse. And just as that connection was in me, it all faded away with that ending email. To forgive and be forgiven are the experiences which separates the anchor from the double edge sword. When you are forgiven, you are still left with the damage you have inflicted on another being. When you forgive, you feel a period of pain, but let it sink away after time, and you can surely feel grounded again. You are not left with this terrible feeling of regret or uncertainty. The symbol for human beings should be a double infinity, for throughout life we are either seeking to be forgiven or offering forgiveness to others. I find that as we steer through this life, if we are constantly grounded to the idea of the double infinity, forgiving and being forgiven, we could live a more fulfilling life. But first we must learn to practice and accept both. So on your journey today, and this week, think of this concept as you pursue finding a better you. I hope that your journey today brought you a simple walk outdoors, or even a simple moment to be alone with thoughts. You owe it to yourself!
