Here’s To Us!


It has been a really long time since I got personal, or have even posted. My life has been all over the map, but somehow today, it has brought me back here. This quote just hit me hard. One day my body is a certain way, months later it is here. I dropped 35 pounds, not because I wanted too, but because I got so sick,(Stomach issues). I not only felt like I wasn’t myself, my clothes were falling off, nothing fit, and I felt like I needed to try my hardest to get back. So I ate only healthy foods, lots of almond butter, lots of smoothies packed with healthy fats, salads, beans, eggs and lots of protein shakes. I started to gain, so so so slowly. Progress was taking so long, and I was becoming discouraged, but I never gave up. People everyday talk about “how do I lose weight I’m so miserable, need to lose 5 pounds.” Here I was trying to gain back 35, and not by eating McDonalds and meat, but by eating healthy. Everyday I looked in the mirror, was looking for that beautiful body that I once picked at for every little imperfection. I would take all those imperfections back. But I only fought harder, I was determined. I am about 10 pounds shy of my weight, but I have been lifting heavier weights when my body permits it, and my body is coming back better then ever. For those out there who constantly nit pick at the imperfections, instead of doing so, just exercise. Once you get your head in the game, you will see those imperfections disappear. My journey is not over, but I am thankful for the beauty that I can look in the mirror and see. I am also thankful that I know that I worked hard for this! So here’s to us!



“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” – John Lubbock


Happy Tuesday!!! This morning I decided to treat myself to a stroll in the park. On my walk, I came across many people and smiled at each and every one I passed. I began to go into a zone of thinking about 11:11. I am slightly obsessed with this idea of being able to make a “wish” at 11:11, and luckily it happens twice a day! I’m not sure if it’s just the idea of having a wish, or that I always get a second chance to wish over again. I was so grateful this morning that I was brought to this place because I was involved in my surroundings. I took photos for you, in case you didn’t get a moment to enjoy today’s beauty.

ImagePerhaps instead of waiting around for 11:11 to come around, close your eyes now, and just make wish! After all, it’s 11:11 somewhere in the world!! Have a FABULOUS afternoon… and here’s a thousand wishes waiting for you, just pick one!




Let’s get REAL!!!!

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Hope everyone had a FABULOUS cinco de mayo! On to business, let’s get REAL! I’ve decided to go on a rant about Facebook! I have been deactivated from Facebook for over two years, and it has been GREAT! How did I come to this rant you may ask? Well I pulled myself out of bed this morning and made it to the gym! While on the treadmill listening to Pieces of Me by Janice Joplin, (I mean really, who listens to Janice Joplin on treadmill)… Helloooo, me!!! Any who, this woman next me was looking at obnoxious pictures , I guess of a friend of hers. This reminded me of why I dislike Facebook. My feeds use to be full of people posting pictures every single moment of their lives!! I take A LOT of pictures, but for me its to see progress, and I don’t post them anywhere! How can you enjoy the moments and be “happy” in them, If you are immediately posting on Facebook?!?! (Insert Cher from Clueless saying “As If!!!!”) But enough about my rant… I’m here to share that I went to the gym two days in a row!!! Its been almost three months since my return, and I’m feeling enthusiastic!!! So much so, I documented the moment for you guys!!! Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!!! And let’s get REAL!!!


Patience & Strength

Patience and strength, two words which can easily be defined, but when faced with the reality of both words, easy is the last word I would describe them as. A week since my last post, I could have never imagined how important those two words are in life. I was in the ER on Sunday, and had medical complications due to a medication they had prescribed me. It was here, laying in my worst position that I realized that health is not just a thing we need, it is a lifestyle we need to obtain. Patience and strength, have guided me to this place, and without them I would lost. Since my ER visit, I have turned back to what I am truest to, and that is my belief in healing thy self with natural remedies. As long as you follow your gut, it will never guide you wrong. Along with some patience, strength, and a whole lot of support, anything can be done! You just have to trust yourself, and believe, things will always get better. Stay Strong! And keep finding your best lifestyle, for finding a better you!Image

Day Nine!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I have been MIA for two days due to weather conditions, as well as health conditions. My exercise regimen has been running from doctor to doctor! But I hope that you have stayed strong, and worked out for both of us! On this day, I think if it’s the only day you do so, treat yourself to something. Spend this day, loving yourself, because no one will love you, quite like you could love yourself. Sometimes it takes being so down in the dumps, to realize just how strong you are. When you are on the floor and can’t get up, you look around and all you find is yourself. You are frustrated and sad, but somehow those pains turn into strength and you begin picking yourself up. You begin to see qualities in yourself you hadn’t seen before, and you find yourself sort of beautiful and strong, even in a weak moment. It is moments like these we have to bring with us in times of adversity. We have to remember we have been at the bottom before, and the only way to go is up! So today, remember all your strong moments, and love yourself for them. Spend this Valentine’s Day appreciating the only person in the world that needs it most, and that’s you!

Sending my xoxo’s to you! 


Day Nine

Forgiveness to each person in this world is seen and experienced differently. For some it can be an anchor, which grounds you to this earth. To others, a double edged sword, piercing upon entry and exit. But for me, it varies per situation. I wonder often, when I sincerely seeked forgiveness, why was I easily granted it. Although, the damage I did, did not even warrant a response, I was granted one and more. An apology I worked on for at least two years came out as basic and questionable as a generated message on a Hallmark card. A double edge sword, because he forgave me, and even reminded me of my worth, but at the same time said he could not bare to keep a connection. The connection was an impossibility because of all the hurt he had felt. I understood his feelings, and when he said not a day went by since then, that he hadn’t thought about me every single waking moment, him forgiving me made me feel so much worse. And just as that connection was in me, it all faded away with that ending email. To forgive and be forgiven are the experiences which separates the anchor from the double edge sword. When you are forgiven, you are still left with the damage you have inflicted on another being. When you forgive, you feel a period of pain, but let it sink away after time, and you can surely feel grounded again. You are not left with this terrible feeling of regret or uncertainty. The symbol for human beings should be a double infinity, for throughout life we are either seeking to be forgiven or offering forgiveness to others. I find that as we steer through this life, if we are constantly grounded to the idea of the double infinity, forgiving and being forgiven, we could live a more fulfilling life. But first we must learn to practice and accept both. So on your journey today, and this week, think of this concept as you pursue finding a better you. I hope that your journey today brought you a simple walk outdoors, or even a simple moment to be alone with thoughts. You owe it to yourself!


Day Eight

Happy Monday!!! Another new beautiful week to begin our journey! This weekend I began to think about the saying “to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.” As I laid on the couch, sick as can be from a herx reaction, I thought about how many people take health for granted. People don’t think about it until they get really sick, but they also don’t think about those who are suffering daily, the people who’s job it is to learn to walk again, or to find the strength to keeping fighting the unknown battle. Those who are sick don’t know what it’s like to walk in the opposite shoes. We are all dealt cards, some which we couldn’t chose, and for anyone to hold judgment against another would be unfair. This path I walk was not one I have chosen, but we make the best with what our best is. I support you in every way I can on your journey. People will make mistakes and be unkind, but try to find the few who will be there when someone kicks you down. When you are down, get back up and just think of the mile they are walking…it may not be exactly what you are experiencing, but hardships float in everyone’s lives. Be understanding, and always remember, good always wins… Be true to the best you, it’s all that matters in the end.


And I hope you are starting your week with a great workout! Stay motivated, for YOU!

Day Seven

We all have this idea that we have to have this great plan on how to use the gifts we were given. But if we spend day after day trying to figure them out, we end up wasting our precious days. If we sit in a job that’s barely pushing us to our most potential, why do we stay? We all fall into comfort zones, and with our current economy, our choices to change are limited. If we are unhappy with one division of our life, we should try our best to use our gifts in our relationships with others, or most importantly our relationships with ourselves. First and foremost we cannot help others if we can’t be happy with ourselves. Do you tell yourself you love yourself daily? Not in a conceited way, but in a genuine loving way. Our body is our temple, our treasure, the more appreciation we show it, the more good we are doing for it. Our gifts will appear stronger, and our will for change will become easier. Just love yourself, and you are that much closer to a better, stronger you.


Day six

My original plan of coming along on this journey together of health and wellness, I did not factor in the rainstorms in between. Although, we can always find the rainbow at the end of the storm, we first need to bare the pouring rain. I have read blogs that are 100% positive and uplifting, but for me that’s not always a reality. If we didn’t have speed bumps, where would we gain our strength? As I found myself receiving an IV today, I sat in a dark room, wondering how was I going to motivate someone today? Feeling like I had gone backwards in my progression, I kept telling myself what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. I began to worry about my job, and all the other factors of my life, before I snapped out of it. If I don’t have my health, then what do I have? Yes I am cruising slowly over a speed bump in a rainstorm, but the rain will stop and then the journey continues. So I can’t say that I worked out with you today, but I will ask you to be thankful for your health if it’s a good day. Be thankful that you can enjoy nature and even the job you are at. Be thankful if you had even a short brisk walk outside. But most importantly be thankful that you are staying true to finding the best possible you!wpid-wp-1391713591601.jpeg

Day Five!

Puddles, sleet, rain, and more snow, made this morning a rather difficult one to make my way to the gym. This weather, I allowed to make me anxious, and it was my first mistake. I became easily frustrated and then moody, because I couldn’t go anywhere. Instead of looking at this day as a day to utilize and get things done around the house, I took a complete wrong turn. I did end up working out to a yoga dvd, but at that point I already did a number on myself. I have looked near and far for this answer, in the skies above and the earth below, but to find that the answer was always within. One step in a different direction this morning, and I could have found myself happy and pleased with just great thoughts all in-powered by me. But I, chose this day, I put these thoughts in my head, I made that mistake. Instead of looking at the beauty of nature, the white new coat of snow, and frosted trees, I looked at nature, and let it become my obstacle. How often we do this as society? How often we let the beauty of life, challenge us? How often do we blow situations out of proportion, putting more stress on ourselves then necessary? I continued to think how wasted this day was, but then it was like lighting striking. I could sit here and say it’s over, i’m moody and anxious, or I could seize the rest of the day, and make it worth while! So as I leave you to make a snowman, and do something extremely silly, I hope that you don’t make the same mistake as me. If your bus is late because of weather conditions, or you have more work then normal, take a look around and find something to be thankful for! Your body would sure appreciate more then the stress! Continue to find a better you! Image